Testing services

We check the quality of company products, semi-finished products or equipment in operation.

A specific service for quality tests

We check the quality of company products, semi-finished products or equipment in operation through innovative control techniques, available to companies even remotely. We carry out conventional and advanced non-destructive tests, perform positive material identification and additional tests, such as hardness and vibration checks. Thanks to our team of highly qualified engineers, we help you reduce risks, shorten time to market and verify the quality and safety of materials, components or products.

Multimedia reports

We provide video and photographic recordings of controls, in addition to standard reports.

Real-time interaction

Our systems allow us to make our engineers in the field, suppliers and the company’s quality team interact in real time.

Innovative methodologies

We offer the most modern surveillance technologies, thanks to an innovative approach.

Remote control

We provide remote control of the tests thanks to our team of qualified operators.

Non-destructive test

Non-destructive examination is a test and analysis technique used by industry to evaluate the properties of components or to detect characteristics differences or welding defects and discontinuities without causing damage to the original part. Our service line provides assessments and quality controls through non-destructive tests, examining the integrity of metal products and welded structures. We require the independence of products already manufactured or in service to ensure the safety of the system on which they are installed. Our testing services include Conventional CND, Visual Inspections, Ultrasonic Exams, Penetrating Liquid Examination, Magent Marticle Examination, Positive Material Identification, Hardness Tests, Leak Tests, Fugitive Emission Tests, Advanced NDT, Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing, Time-of-Flight Diffraction (TOFD).


Direct real-time interaction between our team of field engineers and the quality team of suppliers.

Constant monitoring of certified NDT operators, supervised by level III NDT operators.

Test reports supported by objective multimedia contents (images and videos).

Independent, intelligent and proactive verification.

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